Presentations & Publications: 2024

2023 2024 2025

  1. Opinion | 6 Ideas to Perk Up Your First Day of Class

    “The first day of class may be the most important hour for determining the success of your semester,” writes Kristi Rudenga, director of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence.


    Kristi Rudenga

    Kristi Rudenga

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  2. Book Chapter | Underrepresented Voices in Intercultural Competence

    Horane Diatta-Holgate of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence published a chapter on “Underrepresented Voices in Intercultural Competence” in the newly released compilation Current Perspectives on Intercultural and Global Competence edited by Darla K. Deardorff and Mizuho Tatebayashi.


    Horane A Diatta Holgate

    Horane Diatta-Holgate

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  3. Opinion | Should You Use Your Classroom as a Lab?

    “Yes, we need to better tolerate disagreements over the best or latest research findings on teaching and learning,” writes James M. Lang of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence. “But in addition, we should be willing to listen to practitioners who are experimenting with classroom strategies, even if they aren’t steeped in the research.”


    James Lang

    James Lang

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  4. Opinion | 7 Ideas to Perk Up Your Last Day of Class

    Kristi Rudenga is the director of the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Notre Dame, where she also teaches courses on both neuroscience and college pedagogy.


    Kristi Rudenga

    Kristi Rudenga

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  5. Presentation | “Building Belonging: Creating a Sense of Belonging Among Incoming First-Year Students Through a Pre-College Online Learning Experience”

    KC Frye and Kuangchen Hsu from Notre Dame Learning's Office of Digital Learning recently teamed up with Brian Mulholland of the University's Department of Mathematics to present at the OLC Innovate 2024 Conference in Denver. Their talk, which highlighted Notre Dame's ASCEND program, was titled “Building Belonging: Creating a Sense of Belonging Among Incoming First-Year Students Through a Pre-College Online Learning Experience.”


    KC Frye

    KC Frye

    Office of Digital Learning

    Kuangchen Hsu

    Kuangchen Hsu

    Office of Digital Learning

  6. Opinion | The Case for Slow-Walking Our Use of Generative AI

    James M. Lang is a professor of practice at the University of Notre Dame’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence. His most recent book is Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It, published by Basic Books. 


    James Lang

    James Lang

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  7. Opinion | How to Embrace the Power of Extrinsic Motivation in Class

    By Kristi Rudenga, the director of the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Notre Dame, and Jim Lang, a visiting professor at the Kaneb Center.


    Kristi Rudenga

    Kristi Rudenga

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

    James Lang

    James Lang

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence