Presentations & Publications


  1. Opinion | 6 Ideas to Perk Up Your First Day of Class

    “The first day of class may be the most important hour for determining the success of your semester,” writes Kristi Rudenga, director of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence.


    Kristi Rudenga

    Kristi Rudenga

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  2. Book Chapter | Underrepresented Voices in Intercultural Competence

    Horane Diatta-Holgate of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence published a chapter on “Underrepresented Voices in Intercultural Competence” in the newly released compilation Current Perspectives on Intercultural and Global Competence edited by Darla K. Deardorff and Mizuho Tatebayashi.


    Horane A Diatta Holgate

    Horane Diatta-Holgate

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  3. Opinion | Should You Use Your Classroom as a Lab?

    “Yes, we need to better tolerate disagreements over the best or latest research findings on teaching and learning,” writes James M. Lang of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence. “But in addition, we should be willing to listen to practitioners who are experimenting with classroom strategies, even if they aren’t steeped in the research.”


    James Lang

    James Lang

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  4. Opinion | 7 Ideas to Perk Up Your Last Day of Class

    Kristi Rudenga is the director of the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Notre Dame, where she also teaches courses on both neuroscience and college pedagogy.


    Kristi Rudenga

    Kristi Rudenga

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  5. Presentation | “Building Belonging: Creating a Sense of Belonging Among Incoming First-Year Students Through a Pre-College Online Learning Experience”

    KC Frye and Kuangchen Hsu from Notre Dame Learning's Office of Digital Learning recently teamed up with Brian Mulholland of the University's Department of Mathematics to present at the OLC Innovate 2024 Conference in Denver. Their talk, which highlighted Notre Dame's ASCEND program, was titled “Building Belonging: Creating a Sense of Belonging Among Incoming First-Year Students Through a Pre-College Online Learning Experience.”


    KC Frye

    KC Frye

    Office of Digital Learning

    Kuangchen Hsu

    Kuangchen Hsu

    Office of Digital Learning

  6. Opinion | The Case for Slow-Walking Our Use of Generative AI

    James M. Lang is a professor of practice at the University of Notre Dame’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence. His most recent book is Distracted: Why Students Can’t Focus and What You Can Do About It, published by Basic Books. 


    James Lang

    James Lang

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  7. Opinion | How to Embrace the Power of Extrinsic Motivation in Class

    By Kristi Rudenga, the director of the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Notre Dame, and Jim Lang, a visiting professor at the Kaneb Center.


    Kristi Rudenga

    Kristi Rudenga

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

    James Lang

    James Lang

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  8. Presentation | Understanding the Landscape of Metacognition Skills by Performance Groups Within a Chemistry Course

    Alex Ambrose of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence joined with Bo Pei, a postdoctoral researcher with ND Learning and the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society, and Shawn Miller of the University’s Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry to present their study “Understanding the Landscape of Metacognition Skills by Performance Groups Within a Chemistry Course” during Indiana University’s 5th Annual International Learning Analytics Summit.


    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  9. Presentation and Prototype Report | Learning Analytics to Support Exam Quality Evaluation

    Alex Ambrose of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence joined with Bo Pei, a postdoctoral researcher with ND Learning and the Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society, to share a prototype of an exam analytics report designed to support assessment practices during Indiana University’s 5th Annual International Learning Analytics Summit.


    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  10. Journal Article | Insights of Instructors and Advisors into an Early Prediction Model for Non-Thriving Students

    In this qualitative study, Alex Ambrose of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and Arnon Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University explored insights of first-year students’ instructors and advisors into an early identification system aimed at detecting non-thriving students in the context of an all-campus first-year orientation course for undergraduates. Appeared in Journal of Learning Analytics.


    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  11. Journal Article | Activity: Teaching Coding in R through Discipline-Focused Problem-Solving in an Analytical Chemistry Course

    Alex Ambrose of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence partnered with coauthors Rebecca Whelan and Simon Weaver of the University’s Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry to present an activity that teaches advanced undergraduate and first-semester chemistry graduate students to use R, a widely used programming language designed for data analysis and statistics. Appeared in Journal of Chemical Education.


    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  12. Conference Paper | Hybrid Flexible Teaching and Learning in Higher Education—What Have We Learned? Technology, Experience, and Perceptions

    Notre Dame Learning’s Alex Ambrose and Kevin Abbott along with Tal Soffer, Orly Klein-Latucha, Maya Usher, and Arnon Hershkovitz of Tel Aviv University shared findings from three studies that shed light on hybrid flexible (HyFlex) courses—that is, multi-modal courses that combine online and on-campus components. Presented at The Future of Education International Conference .


    Kevin Abbott

    Kevin Abbott

    Teaching & Learning Technologies (OIT)

    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  13. Faculty Partner Journal Article | A Semester without Exams: Approaches in a Small and Large Course

    Using Notre Dame Learning’s umbrella IRB and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) support services, Rachel Branco of the University’s Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry pursued this study that was published in the Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education. If you are interested in this type of course-level scholar-practitioner work, contact our Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence.

  14. Journal Article | The Effects of COVID-19 on Learning Space Rating System Scores

    Alex Ambrose of Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and Jess Staggs, a research assistant working with Ambrose, investigated how changes made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Learning Space Rating System (LSRS) scores of various classrooms at Notre Dame. Appeared in EduCAUSE Review.


    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

  15. Conference Paper | Flexible Assessment in Math During (and After) COVID

    In this paper, Notre Dame Learning’s Kuangchen Hsu, Alex Ambrose, and Andrew Craker along with Brian Mulholland and Sonja Mapes Szekelyhidi from the University’s Department of Mathematics describe the design and development of a formative assessment plan with a mastery-based grading approach to reimagine the purpose of assessment in transforming exams into learning experiences. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Conference.


    Andrew Craker

    Andrew Craker

    Teaching & Learning Technologies (OIT)

    G. Alex Ambrose

    G. Alex Ambrose

    Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

    Kuangchen Hsu

    Kuangchen Hsu

    Office of Digital Learning