Projects Showcase

In the gallery below, you’ll find video clips from just a few of our recent collaborations with faculty along with more information about the featured projects.


  • the words

    ASCEND Program


    In 2016, the Department of Mathematics piloted a version of Yale’s ONEXYS (Online Experience for Yale Scholars) program for incoming students at Notre Dame. After two years of running with Yale’s content, the program proved promising in providing some preseason math training for incoming students who wanted to pursue degrees in STEM fields, but there was a need for greater alignment with the content covered in first-year STEM courses at Notre Dame. Rising to this challenge, Professor Brian Mulholland began working with the Office of Digital Learning to revise ONEXYS. This new program would be called ASCEND, A Scholarly Community Entering Notre Dame.

    Case Study

  • The start screen of a retro-style video game. The title of the game is

    AMR Educational Modules


    To fulfill the education requirements of a USDA AFRI ARG grant, Professor Kyle Bibby, his co-PIs, and project team collaborated with Notre Dame Learning to design, produce, and deliver educational modules about antimicrobial resistance (AMR). These modules were developed as digital media to enable widespread dissemination, with some content made available on the interactive touchscreen at the ND-LEEF facility in St. Patrick’s Park in South Bend, Indiana. The target audience for these modules are K–12 students and the general public.

    More videos and resources—including a playable AMR video game—are available on the Environmental Change Initiative website.

  • a screenshot of an animation where a person is standing in front of a white background marveling at a number of multicolored shapes swirling in the air around her

    Ascent Program


    Housed in Notre Dame's Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE), the Ascent Program reimagines the leadership structure of K-8 Catholic schools to employ a collaborative leadership model. Through two years of program coursework, teacher leaders are formed as master teachers and school leaders in mathematics curriculum and instruction. Through retreats and intentional coursework, particular attention is given to the meaningful integration of Catholic spirituality within this content area with the goal of surfacing the mutuality between faith and reason and forming intentional disciples.

    Notre Dame Learning’s Office of Digital Learning works collaboratively with ACE Ascent to design and develop multimedia learning experiences for the program’s students like the one shared here.

  • a darkened aerial view of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the Golden Dome, and other buildings on Notre Dame's campus outlined in blue digital lines beneath a wordmark logo that reads: University of Notre Dame | Digital Learning

    Office of Digital Learning Project Reel


    Leading media innovation within Notre Dame Learning’s Office of Digital Learning is the Creative Media Team, an in-house production studio of industry-seasoned artists and filmmakers compelled to enhance the student learning experience through the creation of high-end, pedagogical media. This is a small sample of their work.