Learning Media Creation

Leading media innovation within Notre Dame Learning, the Creative Media Team looks forward to accompanying you to design and create impactful learning media. We are an in-house production studio of industry-seasoned artists and filmmakers compelled to enhance the student learning experience through the creation of innovative, high-end pedagogical media.

See Examples of Our Work

In addition to the production of traditional learning media, the Creative Media Team rethinks the importance of the role that storytelling plays in crafting engaging learning experiences. Our work ranges from standalone one-off videos to course-wide series, engaged scholarship documentaries, virtual reality, 3D animation and motion graphics, and international on-site work. We also help to define creative and visual treatments that deepen and enrich the student learning experience.

To learn more or to arrange a consultation for a project you would like to explore, please contact us.

 Let’s Work Together

Types of Projects

  • the words

    Narrative-Based Courseware


    The creation of a narrative around instructional content deepens learning engagement and frames content in a novel way. This can take shape in short-form stories told within a single video or through a series of videos that span the length of a course.

  • A white speech bubble with the words

    Documentary and On-Location Production


    Whether traveling across campus, across the country, or internationally, shooting video on location is the most natural way to contextualize a subject. 

  • A black-and-white, 3D illustration of an ancient Roman courthouse/meeting hall space, with the roof lifted off.



    Animation allows instructors to visually demonstrate topics in a variety of ways that go beyond traditional video. In addition to the 3D animation style showcased here, other options include motion graphics and narrative animation.

  • A professor stands in a darkened studio space delivering a lecture into a camera (unseen).

    Studio Production


    When location filming is not possible, or when the needs of the project determine otherwise, studio filming offers a professional and consistent style.

  • A photo of a man being filmed while talking next to a wall with pieces of paper pinned on it.



    Interviews are a great way to introduce subject matter expert knowledge or perspective to a given topic, whether on campus or beyond. While the example at left was filmed on location, for those interviews that take place at Notre Dame, the Creative Media Team can provide studio space as needed. 

  • A screenshot of a vertical bar graph on a computer screen. The words

    Self-Produced Media


    In addition to directly producing media for a given project, we’re able to help instructors create their own content in a variety of ways, from getting you started on making media entirely on your own to playing a supportive role in your productions.

  • A screenshot of virtual reality video taken inside a water treatment facility. In addition to the facility itself, an illustration of a treatment unit is projected in front of the viewer.

    VR (Virtual Reality)


    Virtual reality video is a great way to create immersive learning experiences. After you press play in the video at left, you can explore the space in 360 degrees by using the arrow keypad in the upper left corner.

  • a man writes on a lightboard, which is essentially like a see-through white board or chalk board that allows the person writing to face their class as they talk



    Lightboard demonstrations are a wonderful strategy for quantitative subjects or other chalk ’n talk lectures.