Practitioner Report: Learning Analytics for Inclusive STEM Student Success

Author: ND Learning

Duan, Xiaojing, Ambrose, G. Alex, Wang, Chaoli, Abbott, Kevin, Woodard, Victoria, Young, Kelley (2020) Learning Analytics for Inclusive STEM Student Success. Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. Practitioner Report and Poster. Frankfurt, Germany

ABSTRACT: The challenge was to identify and help underserved and underprepared students in an introductory chemistry course to be retained and thrive in the college of science or engineering while supporting the general population. In this paper, we describe our methods for identifying these students, evaluating the impact of a special treatment program that was provided to a subset of those students, discuss our efforts to help the general population, and evaluate the short- and long-term impacts. In particular, we discuss a data-informed framework for analyzing student and outcome variables.

Keywords: STEM Retention; Learning Visualization Dashboard; Inclusive Pedagogy; Learning Analytics

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