Nominations for the 2022-2023 Kaneb Center Course Design Academy are Now Open

Author: ND Learning

The Notre Dame Learning | Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence is pleased to announce the second annual Kaneb Center Course Design Academy for the 2022-2023 academic year. This year-long program supports Notre Dame faculty members in the process of creating or re-designing a course. Participants work closely with the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and meet monthly with their cohort for working sessions on backward course design, transparent assignments, inclusive teaching strategies, and more. 

2019 participant Alex Dowling, an assistant professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, used the course he developed in the Academy 

as part of his application for an NSF CAREER Award:

“Through the Kaneb Center Course Design Academy, I worked closely
 with fellow faculty and pedagogy experts to modernize a sophomore-required class in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering; specifically, I “flipped the classroom” by moving to a "first exposureat home” instructional model that emphasizes active learning, peer instruction, and problem solving during class time. This project would not have been possible without KCCDA; moreover, it served as the foundation for an education objective in my successful NSF CAREER award.”

Biological Sciences assistant professor Nancy Michael recommends the KCCDA as a space to think about trying something new:

"Participating in the Course Design Academy was formative and getting a deeper understanding of all of the various aspects of curriculum that can inform how a course actually rolls out, and how the structure of the course can really inform student's classroom experiences. I really enjoyed the balance between structured learning individual work and peer feedback in developing course ideas and structures. I would recommend participation for anyone who is anywhere from thinking about a crazy new idea all the way to thinking about how to redesign or implement new strategies into an existing course."

Nominations are now open and will be accepted through August 1st. We accept nominations from deans or chairs (use this form), as well as self-nominations from individual faculty members (use this form).

Questions can be directed to the Kaneb Center via email at