ND Trains 170 Paraguayan Legal Professors in Online Teaching Pedagogies and Learning Technologies during COVID-19

Author: ND Learning

The US State Department funded a USAID grant to have the University of Notre Dame and Harvard join the Paraguayan Development Institute’s led program named “Rule of Law and Culture of Integrity” (ROLCI) in Paraguay. The ROLCI Program is an initiative of Development Institute (ID)and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal was to strengthen Paraguayan higher education institutions to improve the rule of law and culture of anti-corruption in Paraguay. The team, lead by the Keough School of Global Affairs’s Pulte Institute for Global Development, gathered trainers and experts from ND Learning | Kaneb Center, OIT”s Teaching and Learning Technologies Group to create, translate, facilitate, and record an interactive webinar series on using state of the art technologies and online pedagogies during and after COVID-19. 170  legal professors from several law schools and training centers in Paraguay such as the National University of Asunción, the National University of Ciudad del Este, the National University of Concepcion and the National University of Caaguazu, the International Center for Judicial Studies of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Public Defense Ministry’ training center, the Judicial School of the Council of the Magistracy and the Public Ministry Training Center, attended and participated in the 6-part live dual-language series. Individual workshops included the following topics and goals (note: the links are to the shared zoom recordings and translated slide decks):

Workshop Title Description & Goals Links to Recordings

Online Learning Explanatory Session

  • Country and Campus exchange
  • Open dialogue and needs assessment


Flexible Teaching & Learning Course Design

  • Reassess your course design: situational factors, learning goals, and assessment structure for resilient teaching
  • Develop broad strategies for engaging your students and helping them achieve the course learning goals regardless of class modality
  • Describe general principles of resilient teaching 
  • Apply principles of inclusive teaching that apply across modalities


Flexible Teaching Methods Part 1: Live and Pre-Recorded Lecturing with Zoom

  • Utilize basic pedagogical design principles for using Zoom technology for synchronous and asynchronous teaching
  • Experience as a participant in a live Zoom session with backchannel chat, share/annotate screen, live polling and documents


Flexible Assessment Part 1 (Summative): Alternative Assessments & Exam (Re)Design

  • Describe different exam methods and forms
  • Redesign (if needed) your traditional exam/assessment for a remote class
  • Adapt administration procedures to the online environment


Flexible Teaching Methods Part 2: Active Learning Strategies with Free Google Tools

  • Understand the reasons for incorporating active learning
  • Describe & experience possible tools and strategies for hybrid active learning
  • Select & apply active learning strategies


Flexible Assessment Part 2 (Formative): Assessing Participation, Preparation, and Attendance

  • Understand the difference and relationship between formative and summative assessment
  • Define the role and value of participation, preparation, and attendance in a resilient class
  • Apply concrete strategies for using participation, preparation and attendance for formative assessment purposes


Key collaborators on this project included:

  • Edward Jurkovic, Program Manager. Pulte Institute for Global Development
  • Lorena Gaona Greenwood, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Development Institute
  • G. Alex Ambrose Phd, Director of Learning Research, Kaneb Center, Notre Dame Learning
  • Jennifer Zachman, Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Saint Mary’s College
  • Kevin Abbott, Educational Technology Specialist, OIT
  • Kristi Rudenga PhD, Director of Teaching Excellence, Kaneb Center, Notre Dame Learning
  • John Kuehn, Adjunct Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School 
  • Kari Gallagher, Adjunct Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School
  • John Conway, Adjunct Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School

For more information about this project see: