Liberate Learning through Next Generation Assessment — Closing Plenary

Author: ND Learning

Closing Plenary of the AAC&U’s 9th Annual Forum on Digital Learning and ePortfolios

Liberate Learning through Next Generation Assessment

The ability to authentically capture and assess student opinions and growth has always been a challenge. Polls, surveys, and focus groups are some of the most common ways for administrators to gather assessment data at an institutional level; however, these indirect sources only serve as proxy indicators of student voices and experiences. And while ePortfolios may provide better and more authentic direct assessment, they are usually not faster or easier. How can we merge the efficiency of the forms, polls, and surveys with the power of ePortfolios to have a faster, better, and a deeper look into our students’ expectations? We will provide an overview of our current text mining assessment methods for over 2000 students ePortfolio reflections given specific prompts. These methods will provide a counter-narrative to indirect surveys that liberate all of our students’ unique voices and allow us to better align their aspirations in the arena of higher education. And answer the questions…What does assessment in higher education actually do to the American dream? How can we move beyond efficient assessment to more effective assessment thereby liberating the learning and the learners?

G. Alex Ambrose, Program Director of ePortfolio Assessment, University of Notre Dame
Trunojoyo (Atun) Anggara, Academic Advisor and Educational Data Assessment Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame

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Liberate Learning through Next Generation Assessment AACU 2018 Closing Plenary 

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Ambrose, G. Alex, Anggara, Trunojoyo (2018) “Liberate Learning Through Next Generation Assessment” Association of American Colleges & Universities, 9th Annual Forum on Digital Learning and ePortfolios Closing Plenary. Washington, D.C.