In Case You Missed It: Polling in the Classroom: Innovating Formative Assessments with ChatGPT Assistance

Author: ND Learning

two building blocks spelling Ai sitting atop an image of a computer circuit board

By Alex Ambrose and Kevin Abbott

On February 23, Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and the Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) group in OIT offered “Polling in the Classroom: Innovating Formative Assessments with ChatGPT Assistance.” This virtual brown bag workshop explored the art and science of polling, including tools like Poll Everywhere and Google Forms, to effectively enhance your teaching strategies.

For those who were unable to attend, here are the key takeaways from the panel.

#1: Integrating interactive technology can be a valuable practice for formative assessment and student engagement.

Utilizing tools like Poll Everywhere and Google Forms can significantly enhance interactive learning. These platforms enable instructors to create live polls, quizzes, and other interactive content that can be integrated seamlessly into presentations and lectures.

#2: You shouldn’t just use technology for technology’s sake.

The workshop emphasized designing poll questions with a clear pedagogical purpose, such as activating prior knowledge, checking understanding, or stimulating discussion. These strategies help ensure that polling is not just a technological novelty but a meaningful addition to the learning process.

#3: AI can be leveraged to help you design poll questions.

A highlight was the exploration of using AI, specifically ChatGPT, to assist in crafting well-thought-out poll questions. This approach can help instructors generate a variety of questions that cater to different cognitive levels and learning outcomes, making assessments more dynamic and useful in giving the instructor real time data on learning.

