Exam Analytics in Chem-Presentation at the Midwest SoTL Conference

Author: ND Learning

Ambrose, G. Alex, Duan, Xiaojing, Kanczuzewski, Kael, Young, Kelley M., & Gezelter, J. Daniel (2019) “Exams Evaluate Students: Who’s Evaluating Exams? Data-Informed Exam Design” 2019 Midwest Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Indiana University-South Bend.

Exams evaluate students. Who’s evaluating exams? Data-Informed Exam Design from G. Alex Ambrose

Short Abstract: The goal of this presentation is to share our data-informed approach to re-engineer the exam design, delivery, grading, and item analysis process in order to construct better exams that maximize all students potential to flourish. Can we make the use of exam analytics so easy and time efficient that faculty clearly see the benefit?