Educause Workshop: Building Flexible Learning Spaces Utilizing Faculty & Student Driven Design

Author: ND Learning

Ambrose, G. Alex (2019) ” Building Flexible Learning Spaces Utilizing Faculty & Student-Driven Design.” Educause Annual Conference, Chicago, IL

Ambrose, G. Alex (2019) ” Building Flexible Learning Spaces Utilizing Faculty & Student-Driven Design.” Educause Annual Conference, Chicago, IL

Click here for the full slide deck.

Click here to enter a virtual tour of a Notre Dame typical and prototype classroom.


The session will open with an introduction and problem identification within the context of higher education. Many IT, facilities management, and registrar units work in silos in designing, building, allocating, managing, and renovating classrooms. Additionally, the problem of missing key stakeholders’ voices (students & faculty) in the learning space design process will be defined. Next, a tour of our active learning classrooms will be provided.

An interactive presentation supported by a digital handout and backchannel will provide a history and evolution of the University of Notre Dame’s learning space research & design methodology. This approach captures faculty and student voices to create data-driven design decisions. Some of the questions we will be able to answer with our framework and tools are: How do you get faculty and student voices into the learning space design process? What do four semesters of learning space evaluation surveys from over a thousand students and dozens of faculty from multiple disciplines tell us? What can we learn from designing and testing medium Active Learning Classroom prototypes to guide future classroom design and budgets? Where do we get the most “bang for the buck” with regard to furniture, technology, or space? What are student/faculty learning space perceptions, recommendations, and impacts? Which data-driven design decisions were made to continually improve our process? What bottom-up partnerships, processes, and guidelines did we develop that were aligned to top-down strategic visions and goals?

Finally, the session will conclude with a Q&A discussion and a return to the digital handout with a review of the backchannel best questions and resource sharing.

Participants will:

  1. understand how faculty and student-driven data design can evolve their campus’ learning space design process

  2. engage in a learning space design methodology experience

  3. create a customized learning space design plan to take to their own campus


Photo from the Workshop in the Steelcase Interactive Room

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