ASEE Paper & Presentation: Integrated Closed-Loop Learning Analytics Scheme in a First-Year Engineering Course

Author: ND Learning

One Sentence Overview:
•This study identified students that had the potential to be “non-thriving” at the end of the semester based on historical data and boosted these students in an attempt to improve their performance in the course.

Key Takeaways:
• A trigger of 80% or lower on one of the first three homework assignments was successfully implemented to identify and boost potentially “non-thriving students”.
• Students who responded to the personalized action plan in their boost email performed better than those who did not respond and those who would have been boosted based on the same trigger in the 2017 and 2018 fall semesters.

Citation & Link to the Full Paper & Slides:
Bartolini, A.; Running, C.; Duan, X.; Ambrose, G. Integrated Closed-Loop Learning Analytics Scheme in a First-Year Engineering Course. 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings. 2020.

Click here for the presentation slides.