Article: The Effects of COVID-19 on Learning Space Rating System Scores

Author: ND Learning


Staggs, Jessica and Alex Ambrose. "The Effects of COVID-19 on Learning Space Rating System Scores." EduCAUSE Review, November 11, 2021.


During the fall 2020 semester, the University of Notre Dame, like all other colleges and universities, had to make adjustments to its classrooms and traditional models of teaching in order to accommodate learning in a world with COVID-19. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in spring 2020, Notre Dame transitioned to completely online learning, with no students on campus. For fall 2020, Notre Dame adopted multiple modes of teaching for its classes, with some online, some in person, and some hybrid learning where half the class attended in-person while the other half attended online. Every in-person class had the capacity to be "dual mode," with the professor and some students in-person while students who could not come to class attended live remotely. Students diagnosed with COVID-19, at high risk for COVID-19, in contact with someone who had COVID-19, or with symptoms of COVID-19 were able to stay isolated by attending class remotely. We investigated how changes made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Learning Space Rating System (LSRS) scores of various classrooms at Notre Dame.

Read the full article here.