Inclusive Teaching |

Trauma-Informed Teaching

This workshop informs participants about the potential effects of trauma on their students and introduces them to basic strategies to mitigate the impact of trauma in teaching and learning. We’ll focus in particular on how to create safety and student choice as well as how to foster collaboration, trustworthiness, social consciousness, and student empowerment in the classroom. 

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this workshop you will be able to:

  • Understand trauma and its effects on learning.
  • Develop a repertoire of strategies to mitigate the effects of trauma in the classroom.
  • Apply trauma-informed approaches to your teaching, both in-person and online.

Workshop Resources


Online Resources



This workshop can apply toward these graduate student/postdoc certificates:

Workshop Request

Request more information about this workshop by sending us an email using the button below.

Please include the title of the workshop you’re interested in and note that our ability to offer it to individual departments will vary based on the time of year and faculty demand for our services.

Request a workshop