Teaching Strategies |

Facilitating Discussion in Social Sciences and Humanities

Classroom discussion can make or break a course. Done well, it’s the linchpin for meaningful classroom engagement; done poorly, even the best-planned course material can fall flat. In this workshop, participants will explore strategies for sparking effective discussions and generating inclusive student interactions. We will also brainstorm how to turn those strategies into concrete action in social sciences and humanities classrooms by practicing a range of discussion techniques.

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify multiple strategies for engaging students in discussion
  • Explore what to do before, during, and after a discussion
  • Examine the process of co-creating participation goals with your students
  • Articulate a plan for assessing engagement

Workshop Resources


In the Library

Online Resources


This workshop can apply toward these graduate student/postdoc certificates:

Workshop Request

Request more information about this workshop by sending us an email using the button below.

Please include the title of the workshop you’re interested in and note that our ability to offer it to individual departments will vary based on the time of year and faculty demand for our services.

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