Teaching Strategies |

Engaging Notre Dame Students: Moving from Silence to Scholarly Interaction

Creating a positive learning environment often involves developing meaningful interactions in the classroom. Through these meaningful interactions, students can engage the material more thoughtfully and retain what they are learning. Faculty participants in this workshop will examine approaches to increasing student participation and enhancing student engagement with the course material. In particular, this workshop will model “Write-Pair-Share” and the “Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT)” as potential activities for building a classroom environment that creates a learning space for meaningful interactions and keeps students actively engaged in the course.

Learning Goals

After successfully completing this workshop you will be able to:

  • Identify key reasons for adding active learning to your courses
  • Select from strategies that will meaningfully engage your students
  • Assess student progress by observing their interactions during active learning

Workshop Resources


In the Library

Online Resources


This workshop can apply toward these graduate student/postdoc certificates:

Workshop Request

Request more information about this workshop by sending us an email using the button below.

Please include the title of the workshop you’re interested in and note that our ability to offer it to individual departments will vary based on the time of year and faculty demand for our services.

Request a workshop