New TA Orientation for Engineers 2024


Location: 155 DeBartolo Hall

Get your Teaching Assistant experience at Notre Dame off to a strong start! Join the Kaneb Center to prepare for your first interactions with students, dealing with common teaching dilemmas, leading class sessions, and grading student work. This event is required for all new Engineering graduate students and is also open to returning TAs, postdocs, and other interested graduate students within the College of Engineering. Goals: By the end of orientation, participants will…
  • feel prepared and confident as they approach their first day as a TA
  • understand the expectations of TAs, students, and faculty members
  • be equipped with basic strategies to teach, grade, and interact with students
Wednesday, August 21 — DeBartolo Hall (155)
  • 8:30 Coffee & Bagels
  • 8:45 Arrive and Check-in
  • 9:00 Welcome, your Role, and TA Professionalism
  • 9:30 Before the First Day: Mini-Modules I
  • 10:30 Break
  • 10:45 Before the First Day: Mini-Modules II
  • 11:15 Understanding the Notre Dame Student I
  • 11:45 Understanding the Notre Dame Student II: Student Panel
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 1:30 Planning your First Day & your Teaching Persona
  • 2:15 Grading Practices
  • 3:00 Break
  • 3:20 Leading Labs and Tutorials: Faculty & TA panels
  • 4:20 Orientation Wrap-Up
  • 4:30 End of Orientation