Guest Speaker: The Necessity of Racial Literacy in the 21st Century Classroom


Location: 138 Corbett Family Hall - Use door #3

Riffing off of the title of her essay for the collection Race in the Multiethnic Literature Classroom, Jennifer Ho invites instructors who teach on race/racism or who want to incorporate talking about race/racism in their classes (especially those who teach in the humanities or multidisciplinary humanities disciplines) to come to this workshop where she will talk about how she approaches racial literacy in her classes. From first-year seminars investigating mixed-race narratives to introductory courses on social justice to upper-level classes on Asian American women’s writing and graduate seminars in critical race theory, students of every level (and our colleagues) need racial literacy, especially to navigate contemporary social issues in the United States. Presenter: Jennifer Ho, Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado Boulder