Facilitating Inclusive Classroom Discussions


Location: Via Zoom, 10:00-10:45am & 2:00-2:45pm https://notredame.zoom.us/j/96697502605

Preparing ourselves as instructors and students to have discussions and dialogues about important issues related to course content and society can often produce anxiety. What do I do if x happens or someone says y? In this workshop we will learn about strategies and skills to help instructors navigate potentially challenging classroom situations and prepare students to have inclusive dialogues. By the end of the session participants will be able to implement practices that add structure to class discussions and prepare students with skills to have meaningful dialogues that promote critical thinking. Please, note that this workshop will be offered on two different time slots and the content is identical.  Choose one or the other.

Presenter: Horane Holgate
Via Zoom; 10:00-10:45am & 2:00-2:45pm