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Jamie Trost

Jamie Trost is a Graduate Associate with the ND Learning | Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and a 4th year doctoral student in Psychology studying attention, memory, and perception. Her work at the Kaneb Center focuses around (inter)active learning, inclusive pedagogy, and alternative assessment. She has TA’d or co-instructed courses in Quantitative Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Sensation and Perception.

Since beginning her program, Jamie has instructed over 150 students across six courses. She has advanced beyond traditional TA responsibilities to independently lead a portion of the lab sessions for both undergraduate- and graduate-level courses. Jamie’s philosophy of education is anchored in the belief that each student is unique in their needs, strengths, abilities, and pace. To this end, she teaches students not only to test retention, but rather to support students continuously and adaptively as they learn.