Professionalization |

Observation Notes Template

Classroom observations are an excellent way for instructors to get outside feedback on what’s actually happening in their classroom—both in terms of their own practices and student behaviors—with the goal of improving their teaching. They are an opportunity to promote reflection and growth. While you are always invited to set up an observation with a member of the Kaneb Center, it is also a good practice to regularly observe and be observed by your disciplinary colleagues.
This observation notes template is intended to help structure your observation and provide constructive, purposeful feedback based on evidence-based teaching principles. Included is a general observation notes page, along with suggested prompts based on the format of the class: lecture, discussion, or group work. You may wish to mix and match prompts from different formats.
We suggest the following process:
Before class:
  • Observer and instructor discuss any particular points of interest or concern in the class (e.g., are you trying out a new activity and wondering whether it engages all students? Wondering whether you favor certain groups when you call on students? Concerned about your speaking pace? These are great elements to get observer feedback.). It’s also fine if you’re just looking for general feedback!
  • Observer reviews prompts in the template.
  • Observer either prints or makes a copy of the template document for their own use.
During class:
  • Observer takes notes in the document on what they see, with specific examples noted wherever possible.

After class:

  • Observer reviews notes and, based on the prompts and their pre-observation conversation, selects three strengths and three opportunities for improvement to prioritize.
  • Observer and instructor discuss what the observer saw.

Open the Observations Notes Template