Syllabus Policy Language |

Mental Health


A mental health or well-being statement signals your care for students as individuals and your commitment to their success in your class. Consider providing information about what to do if they are struggling or in crisis, including where on campus they can find help. 

Suggested Language:

Diminished mental health can interfere with optimal academic performance. The source of symptoms might be related to your course work; if so, please speak with me. However, problems with other parts of your life can also contribute to decreased academic performance. The University Counseling Center (UCC) provides cost-free and confidential mental health services to help you manage personal challenges that threaten your emotional or academic well-being.

Remember, getting help is a smart and courageous thing to do — for yourself and for those who care about you. For more resources please see or

The UCC is located on the third floor of Saint Liam Hall Phone: 574-631-7336. Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm. Urgent Crisis Line 24/7


Support for Student Mental Health at Notre Dame

Care and Wellness Consultants provide support and resources to students who are experiencing stressful or difficult situations that may be interfering with academic progress. Through Care and Wellness Consultants, students can be referred to The University Counseling Center (for cost-free and confidential psychological and psychiatric services from licensed professionals), University Health Services (which provides primary care, psychiatric services, case management, and a pharmacy), and The McDonald Center for Student Well Being (for problems with sleep, stress, and substance use). Visit