Teaching Strategies |

The Spark of Learning: Book Talk with Author Sarah Rose Cavanagh

Sarah Rose Cavanagh, a psychologist, professor, and the senior associate director of teaching and learning at Simmons University, joined us for a virtual event that drew on her book The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classrom with the Science of Emotion

Traditional views of education assume that reason should reign over emotion and that the classroom should be a quiet, dispassionate space where students and instructors impartially engage with facts, figures, and theories. However, emotions possess the power to arrest attention, enhance memory, and mobilize efforts. Cavanagh brings to bear a wide range of evidence from the study of education, psychology, and neuroscience to suggest that tapping into emotions in your presentation style, course design, and assignments is a highly potent teaching strategy.


In the Library

  • The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion. Sarah Rose CavanaghProject Muse. Morgantown, West Virginia : West Virginia University Press, 2016. Available through Hesburgh Libraries.