Syllabus Policy Language |

Honor Code

This page contains options for general language that you might use to highlight the Undergraduate Academic Code of Honor in a syllabus for an undergraduate course.

For language particular to the use of generative AI, please consult our resource article on “Establishing AI Policies for Your Course.”

Option A

Notre Dame students are expected to abide by the Honor Code pledge. “As a member of the Notre Dame community, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to learn and abide by principles of intellectual honesty and academic integrity, and therefore I will not participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty.”

Option B

This class follows the binding Code of Honor at Notre Dame. The graded work you do in this class must be your own. In the case where you collaborate with other students make sure to fairly attribute their contribution to your project.

Option C

All students must familiarize themselves with the Honor Code on the University’s website and pledge to observe its provisions in all written and oral work, including oral presentations, quizzes and exams, and drafts and final versions of essays.

Option D

Upon entering Notre Dame you were required to sign a pledge to abide by the University’s Honor Code. The Code and detailed information about procedures are available at:

Option E

The Honor Code will be strictly applied as described in the Procedural Appendix to the Academic Code of Honor, available at Students will not give or receive aid on exams. This includes, but is not limited to, viewing the exams of others, sharing answers with others, and making unauthorized use of books or notes while taking the exam. For the group project, teams must work completely independently. Relying on solutions from other groups, whether or not they are currently in the course, constitutes plagiarism.

Option F

Academic integrity is required, and I will not tolerate academic dishonesty in any form. The University’s Honor Code ( reminds our community of our shared purpose both within the institute of academia and as members of a broader humanity; the statement also outlines policy violation procedures. Any questions regarding academic integrity, particularly regarding assignments in this course, should be directed to the instructor or TA.

Addendum to Any of the Above

The University provides faculty with the services of ( as a means to check papers for plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious honor code violation, and students must be vigilant in properly crediting their use of sources. Always do your own work.