Assessment |

Enhancing Learning with Low-Stakes Assessment and Mastery (Faculty Panel)

A panel of faculty from Math, Chemistry, and Neuroscience shared lessons learned when moving from a few high-stakes assessments (exams) to more frequent low-stakes assessments (quizzes) and, in one case, providing a mastery-based learning opportunity. Panelists discussed why they made the shift, how it worked, and what they planned to do next. 

Panel Members:

  • Sonja Mapes, Associate Professor of the Practice, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Mathematics
  • Rachel Branco, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Neuroscience & Behavior
  • Kelley Young, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • Moderator: G. Alex Ambrose, Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence



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