Syllabus Policy Language |



An accessibility policy signals to students that you are committed to equity and students' diverse learning access needs. You can invite students with accommodations to talk with you further about how you can best support their learning. Some students may not be comfortable disclosing a disability, or may not have a diagnosis required for official accommodations. Consider how you might support these students and provide resources on the accommodations process and working with Sara Bea.

Suggested Language:

Any student who has a documented disability and is registered with Sara Bea Accessibility Services should speak with the professor as soon as possible regarding accommodations. Students who are not registered should contact the Sara Bea Accessibility Services as soon as possible since accommodation typically needs to be arranged well in advance.

Recommended by Sara Bea:

It is the policy and practice of The University of Notre Dame to provide reasonable accommodations for students with properly documented disabilities. Students who have questions about Sara Bea Accessibility Services or who have, or think they may have, a disability are invited to contact Sara Bea Accessibility Services for a confidential discussion by emailing at or by phone at 574-631-7157. Because the University’s Academic Accommodations Processes generally require students to request accommodations well in advance of the dates when they are needed, students who believe they may need an accommodation for this course are encouraged to contact Sara Bea Accessibility Services at their earliest opportunity. For additional information about Sara Bea Accessibility Services and to learn more about the student process for requesting accommodations, please visit Accessibility Support.

See the Academic Accommodations Process for more information.