Reflections & Reading Groups

A drawing of two people sitting at a table and talking, with an open book on the table

Beyond its formal teaching programs, Notre Dame Learning offers avenues for instructors to reflect on their teaching practice in both one-on-one and group settings.

Collaborative Teaching Reflection

The collaborative teaching reflection allows you to examine your teaching to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. The process includes:

  • Recording one of your class sessions.
  • Live observation of a different class session by ND Learning staff.
  • Review of your syllabus and other materials as appropriate.

After analyzing the video and our observation notes, we will schedule a one-hour follow-up meeting to discuss the results.

Email Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence at for more information.

Reading Groups

The Kaneb Center supports colleagues who wish to explore teaching and learning in higher education in small, informal reading groups. Self-initiated reading groups are supported throughout the year, and summer reading groups are organized annually. Faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars are welcome to participate

To initiate your own reading group:

  1. Select a Book – Work with your group to choose a book from our list or propose another title. If you propose another title, contact for approval prior to step 2.

  2. Plan Meetings – Contact the group to determine specific reading goals and arrange meetings. You may meet several times with specific reading goals or once upon completion of the book. We recommend two to four meetings.

  3. Sign Up – Contact with the participating group members’ ND email addresses. We will purchase and distribute the books.

  4. Read and Discuss – Meet to discuss the book as planned in step 2.

  5. Submit – Upon completion, provide with a short summary (one page or less) of the group’s impressions of the book.