Kaneb Center Course Design Academy

The Kaneb Center Course Design Academy (KCCDA) is a cohort-based professional development program for Notre Dame faculty focused on using evidence-based inclusive teaching principles and strategies to design or redesign a course for Notre Dame undergraduate or graduate students. The program is open to all ND faculty regardless of rank and will run for an academic year (September–May).

Participants engage in monthly, three-hour-long working sessions focused on course design principles and practices facilitated by Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence faculty and staff. Participants also take part in peer classroom observations and consultations with learning designers and specialists as well as trained student pedagogical consultants to enhance their pedagogical leadership and support them throughout their design/redesign process.

With the approval of their department and college, each faculty member will receive a $5,000 contribution to their discretionary account for participating in the academy.


Upon successful completion of the Kaneb Center Course Design Academy, you will:

  • Complete a significant course design/redesign project using the backward design process
  • Be prepared to apply and share inclusive pedagogical strategies
  • Extend the reach of your pedagogical leadership in and beyond your department
  • Form a community of other pedagogical leaders across the University


KCCDA participants are expected to:

  • Attend monthly working sessions with KCCDA colleagues and Kaneb Center faculty and staff
  • Participate in a teaching observation with a KCCDA colleague
  • Meet for two individual consultations with Kaneb Center faculty and staff
  • Meet with a trained student pedagogical consultant for classroom observation and syllabus and major class assignment review
  • Contribute a short written post on an element of their teaching for the Notre Dame Learning website
  • Submit artifacts demonstrating a complete course design/redesign (i.e., complete syllabus and up to one associated lesson plan)

Academy Structure/What to Expect

Participants work alongside each other to discuss and apply practices and strategies to enhance student learning, create transformative learning experiences, and address challenges associated with teaching and learning. Some of the topics covered include: 

  • Applying backward course design
  • Transparent assignment design
  • Applying the neuroscience of learning
  • Equitable grading, assessment, and feedback

Participants also have an opportunity to suggest topics they are interested in learning more about throughout the academy. 

Tentative Schedule

We will meet once per month on Fridays from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. If you will need to miss more than two sessions, we advise enrolling another time. 

Fall 2024

  • Friday, September 20
  • Friday, October 11
  • Friday, November 8
  • Friday, December 13

Spring 2025

  • Friday, January 17
  • Friday, February 14
  • Friday, March 21
  • Friday, April 11
  • Friday, May 2

Nomination Process

We accept nominations from deans or chairs. Remaining spots may be opened up for self-nomination.

Use this form for nominations or self-nominations; email kaneb@nd.edu with inquiries.