Notre Dame Inclusive Teaching Academy

“I have attended individual sessions at teaching conferences focused on inclusive teaching, and the sessions put on at NDITA were by far the best that I have attended.”

—2023 NDITA Participant

2024 Notre Dame Inclusive Teaching Academy (NDITA)

When: June 3–7, 2024
Where: The Palmer House Hotel (17 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603)
Cost: Registration, lodging, and meals (breakfast and lunch) covered; travel assistance may be available upon request.
Hosted By: Notre Dame Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence

Applications for the 2024 NDITA are now closed.

Introduction to NDITA

the Notre Dame Inclusive Teaching Academy logo, featuring a graphic suggestive of an open book with the pages represented by people

The Notre Dame Inclusive Teaching Academy (NDITA) provides robust, intensive training in support of the transformation of faculty teaching. Learn about, reflect on, and apply principles of inclusive pedagogy alongside colleagues from across the country as you redesign course materials and prepare to lead inclusive teaching efforts in your department and on campus. As a participant in the Notre Dame Inclusive Teaching Academy, you will:

  • Learn and apply strategies to support student learning and development such that every student in your class has the opportunity to succeed.
  • Learn from experts in inclusive course and assignment design, trauma-informed teaching, anti-racist pedagogy, and more.
  • Spend focused time designing a course and creating course materials using inclusive teaching principles.
  • Prepare to take a leadership role in inclusive teaching efforts in your home department or institution.
  • Form and learn from a network of like-minded colleagues.

Keynote Sessions

The 2024 NDITA will feature two interactive keynote sessions led by leaders in the field of inclusive pedagogy:

“Everyday Teaching with AI to Advance Equity and Inclusion”

Flower Darby

Flower Darby, Author and Associate Director of the Teaching for Learning Center at the University of Missouri

Description: Equity-minded teaching can be defined as evidence-based strategies paired with critical self-reflection that help all students have an equal chance to succeed in any class, especially historically underserved students. Further, we can incorporate Generative AI (GenAI) tools such as ChatGPT into our teaching in ways that help us create inclusive learning environments and advance equitable learning outcomes. Building on The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching (2023), this session will explore advantages and challenges of teaching with GenAI, with a particular focus on values-aligned practical day-to-day teaching strategies that help all students learn.

“Addressing Epistemic Exclusion through Inclusive Teaching Practices”

Veronica Womack

Veronica Womack, Associate Director of Inclusive Learning Communities at the Searle Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching at Northwestern University

Description: Interrogating the epistemology and norms of one’s discipline is both a personal and systemic approach towards inclusive teaching. In this interactive workshop, participants will identify the harms of epistemic exclusion, reflect on assumptions about student learning in their disciplines, and examine the inclusive teaching practices that will counter epistemic exclusion. Highlighted frameworks will include culturally relevant pedagogy, intersectionality theory, and Chimamanda Adichie’s “danger of the single story.”

Conference Structure and Themes by Day

The immersive program consists of invited talks by leaders in the field, workshops with skilled facilitators, and time for hands-on work, peer feedback, reflection, and connection with colleagues.

Day 1: Principles of Inclusive Teaching: What, Why, and How

  • Critical self-reflection
  • Frameworks for inclusive teaching
  • Backward design
  • Learning goals
  • Syllabi

Day 2: Inclusive Teaching by Design

  • Transparent assignments
  • Active learning
  • Assessment for learning
  • Community and belonging
  • Co-creation

Day 3: Inclusive Teaching in Your Discipline

  • Equitable grading
  • Critical pedagogies
  • Facilitating inclusive dialogues
  • Disciplinary norms
  • Authentic assessment

Day 4: Inclusive Teaching on Your Campus

  • Campus and departmental culture
  • Advocating for inclusive teaching

Who Should Attend?

Designed for faculty members in any academic discipline who are committed to supporting student learning and development through inclusive practices, NDITA is open to individuals from both Notre Dame and other institutions.

a quote from a 2022 NDITA participant reading: “[T]he academy definitely re-energized me to continue working on my teaching, my syllabi, developing a classroom climate, and creating transparent and inclusive lessons/assignments.I really liked how all of the sessions had time for you to apply what you learned.”