Grad Student and Postdoc Resources

a woman sitting in a conference room makes a comment

We’re here for everyone who teaches at the University—including those who are just starting out.

At Notre Dame Learning, our goal is to accompany graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in their professional development as educators and in their efforts to design and cultivate the best possible learning experience for their students.

You can schedule a collaborative teaching reflection or individual consultation about your teaching, join us for our workshop series, or let us help you administer early feedback surveys to your students.

Our Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence also offers a variety of professional development opportunities specifically designed for graduate students and postdocs. These include:

If you aren’t sure where to start, email, and let us know how we can help.

Did You Know?

At the beginning of each semester, we offer at least one four-week series for new teaching assistants designed to introduce and develop the fundamental skills of effective teaching. The Foundations of Teaching Workshop Series​ covers how to communicate expectations, facilitate a class session, grade fairly and efficiently, and teach for critical thinking.

Learn More About the Series