Ted Fox

Program Director, Communications and Administration

Ted Fox
937 Flanner Hall
+1 574-631-1430
  • Notre Dame Learning Administration

Ted Fox is Notre Dame Learning’s program director for communications and administration.

In this role, he works with ND Learning’s Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence and Office of Digital Learning as well as the OIT’s Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) group on communications strategies and projects meant both to further their individual identities and enhance the visibility of the broader ND Learning organization. In addition, he provides executive support to the vice president and associate provost for teaching and learning.

Ted has worked at the University since 2004, having previously served as communications program director for the Notre Dame Technology Ethics Center, executive administrator for communications in the Office of the Provost, and writer/editor in the communications office for the College of Arts and Letters.

When he’s not thinking about ND Learning, Ted enjoys spending time with his family, writing fiction, and being too emotionally invested in the outcomes of Red Sox games. He is a 2002 graduate of Notre Dame.

Ask Me About…

Notre Dame Learning Website, Notre Dame Learning Social Media, Communications Strategy and Collaboration