
the Notre Dame Learning logo, featuring a bluish-green background and the words "Notre Dame" written in white, "Learning" in a medium shade of green, and a horizontal bar in a lighter green

Notre Dame Learning’s work and that of its constituent and partner units is guided by the mission and vision statements below.


Notre Dame Learning accompanies faculty and instructors to enhance learning for all students. We engage and promote evidence-based practices to advance teaching and learning at Notre Dame and beyond.


Notre Dame Learning will be the trusted partner and hub for teaching excellence and innovation at the University. We will inspire widespread adoption and implementation of effective teaching practices and will harness design, technology, and digital media to support teaching and learning. In doing so, we will nurture a culture of learning that values intellectual growth and holistic formation.

Who We Are

Notre Dame Learning houses the Kaneb Center for Teaching Excellence (KCTE) and the Office of Digital Learning (ODL), bringing together their teaching and learning expertise along with that of the OIT’s Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) group to serve as the hub of learning excellence and innovation at Notre Dame. Working in collaboration with instructors, departments, and colleges, our goal is to enable effective and engaging learning for all students through research-based strategies and effective use of technologies across all modalities.

When you reach out to Notre Dame Learning, we aim to accompany you in your effort to advance learning in areas including:

  • Design of engaged, equitable, and inclusive learning experiences regardless of modality
  • Development of teaching expertise and learner-centered approaches in teaching
  • Customized research
  • Learning media exploration and creation
  • Learning technology integration
  • Development of online strategies and academic innovation
  • Designing, developing, and delivering online credit-bearing courses, engaged scholarship courseware, and fully online master’s degrees